English language description(PDF:1.4MB)
募集締切 2025年1月31日(金) 23時59分まで
応募にあたっては、以下の「第25回夏季デフリンピック競技大会 東京 2025 ボランティア募集要項」及び「東京2025デフリンピックボランティア 応募・参加にあたっての留意事項」をご確認ください。
第25回夏季デフリンピック競技大会 東京 2025(以下「東京2025デフリンピック」という。)のボランティアは、障害のあるなしや年齢などに関わらず、多様な方々にご参画いただき、あらゆる人と協働して大会を創り上げるという貴重な体験ができる機会です。
■大会名称 :第 25 回夏季デフリンピック競技大会 東京2025(略称:東京2025 デフリンピック)
■大会期間 :2025年11月15日(土)~26日(水)(12日間)
■参加国 :70~80か国・地域
■参加者数 :各国選手団等 約6,000人
Web 応募(インターネット)のみ。以下 URL にアクセスし、専用の応募フォームからお申し込みください。
※電話・はがき・E-mail・Fax による受付はできませんのでご注意ください。
※応募フォームへの申し込みは、お一人様1回までとさせていただきます。申し込み内容を修正されたい場合は、受付完了メールに記載の申請取消 URL にアクセスし、当初のお申し込みを取り消しの上、再度お申し込みください。
競技会場(都内区部・市部・伊豆大島、福島県及び静岡県)、デフリンピックスクエア(国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター) 等
<会場一覧>(東京2025 デフリンピック 大会情報サイト)
日程 | 内容 |
2024年11月15日~2025年1月31日 | 募集期間 |
2025年3月頃 | 採用結果通知 |
2025年6月~10月頃 | 共通研修、手話言語研修・ろう者の文化等理解研修 |
2025年6月~7月頃 | 活動場所・活動日程等の調整 |
2025年10月~11月頃 | 配置・役割別研修 |
応募人数が募集人数を超えた場合等には、希望する活動場所等を踏まえ、抽選とさせていただきます。抽選の有無にかかわらず、採用結果通知を応募時の E-mail アドレス宛に通知いたします。ただし、メールアドレスが誤っている場合やメールアドレスの変更、ドメイン指定をされている場合等、応募者の都合でメールのお受取りができない場合は、結果通知の責任を負いかねますので、ご了承ください。ドメイン設定をされている方は、「@logoform.jp」「@city- volunteer.metro.tokyo.jp」 からのメールを受信できるよう、ドメイン設定を解除していただくか、受信リストに加えていただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。なお、個人情報保護の観点で、電話による結果通知はいたしません。
<応募フォーム(LoGo フォーム)の操作方法に関すること>東京都 Logo フォームヘルプデスク
電話:0120-711-123(平日の午前9時から午後5時 ※12月29日~1月3日を除く)
東京 2025 デフリンピックボランティアに応募・参加いただくにあたって、募集要項記載の内容のほか、次の事項に留意していただく必要がありますので、ご了承の上お申し込みください。
① 共同利用する個人情報の項目
② 共同利用する者の範囲
③ 共同利用する者の利用目的
④ 共同利用する個人情報の管理責任者
東京都新宿区西新宿二丁目 東京都生活文化スポーツ局長 古屋 留美
Volunteering at the 25th Summer Deaflympics Tokyo 2025 (hereinafter referred to as ”Tokyo2025 Deaflympics”)is a valuable opportunity for a diverse range of people regardless of their age or disability to participate and collaborate to create the Games.
Also, the Games aims to take this opportunity to expand understanding of the Deaflympics and Deaf Sports, and to help create an inclusive society in which people with and without disabilities can enjoy sports, recognize and respect each other’s differences.
We look forward to receiving applications from everyone who would like to work with us to create a successful Games.
<Overview of the Games>
The Deaflympics is an international "Olympics for Deaf people" hosted by the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) and held every four years. This will be the first time that the Deaflympics is held in Japan, and also marks the 100th anniversary of the Deaflympics.
■Official name :25th Summer Deaflympics Tokyo 2025(Abbreviation: TOKYO 2025 DEAFLYMPICS)
■Games period :Sat. 15 Nov. - Wed. 26 Nov. 2025 (12 days)
■Participating Countries :Approximately 70 to 80 countries and regions
■Number of Participants :Delegations from various countries: Approx. 6,000 people
■Number of sports :21 sports
Approximately 3,000 volunteers
* The number of volunteers is subject to change.
Scheduled for the period from Mon. 10 Nov. to Fri. 28 Nov. 2025, including before and after the Games period
* As a general rule, we expect volunteers to work for three days or more.
* Volunteers can participate even if the dates are not consecutive.
* Specific activity dates will be adjusted after the recruitment decision has been made.
5 hours to maximum 8 hours per day
*Depending on the activity location and content, activities may start early in the morning.
*Breaks (including meal breaks, etc.) will be scheduled appropriately during activities.
*Specific time of activity will be adjusted after recruitment decision has been made.
From Fri. 15 Nov. 2024, 10:00 a.m. to Fri. 31 Jan. 2025, 11:59 p.m. (JST)
Web application (internet) only. Please access the following URL and apply using the dedicated application form.
* Please note that we cannot accept applications by phone, postcard, E-mail, or fax.
* Each person may only apply once using the application form. If you wish to modify your application details, please access the application cancellation URL provided in the E-mail of application completion, and apply again after canceling your original application.
We accept the applications from individuals.
Competition venues (Tokyo wards/city areas/Izu Oshima Island, Fukushima prefecture, and Shizuoka prefecture), Deaflympics square(National Olympics Memorial Youth Center)etc.
* Activities are planned at venue of opening/closing ceremony, airports (Haneda, Narita), etc.
* The location of volunteer activities will be decided by the Games management organization. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request.
<List of venues>(Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Portal Site)
<Deaflympics Square>
* Volunteer activities will be decided by the Games management organization. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request.
Schedule | Contents |
15 Nov. 2024 to 31 Jan. 2025 | Volunteer recruitment period |
Around Mar. 2025 | Notification of recruitment result |
Around June to Oct. 2025 | Sign language/understanding deaf culture, etc. training |
Around June to July. 2025 | Adjustment of place and date of volunteer activities |
Around Oct. to Nov. 2025 | Venue-specific, role-specific training |
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of volunteers to be recruited, a drawing will be held based on the requested location of the activity. Regardless of whether or not a drawing is held, notification of the recruitment result will be sent to the e-mail address given at the time of application. However, please note that we cannot be held responsible for notifying you of the result if you are unable to receive the e-mail due to reasons such as an incorrect e-mail address, a change of e-mail address, or if you have specified a domain name. If you have a domain set up, please either cancel the domain setting or add it to the receiving list so that you can receive e- mails from "@logoform.jp" and "@city-volunteer.metro.tokyo.jp". To protect personal information, we will not notify you of the result by phone.
The following training program will be held sequentially from around June 2025. All trainings are scheduled to be given remotely in on-demand format (Japanese sign language and English/Japanese subtitles available). Please be sure to take the course before the activity.
(1) General training
Acquiring the necessary basic knowledge (Overview of the Games, basics of volunteer activities, compliance etc.)
(2) Sign language training/ training to understand deaf culture etc.
Learning simple expressions in Japanese Sign Language and International Sign Language/ Understanding Deaf culture etc.
(3) Venue-specific, role-specific training
Understanding details of activity and points to keep in mind depending on specific venue and role
While volunteer recruitment will be conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as “TMG”) , Tokyo Sport Benefits Corporation Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office (hereinafter referred to as “DPO” ) will carry out various training, coordination of activity locations and schedules, management and operation during the Games, etc. after recruitment decision has been made.
Please note that the DPO (including outsourcing companies) will contact each volunteer individually after April 2025.
In principle, volunteers will be contacted in Japanese. We can also provide some support in English if necessary.
Please note that during the Games, communication support apps and universal communication devices etc. are planned to be used for the Games operation.
Please see the FAQ before making an inquiry.
* See FAQ for more details (Japanese only)
<Regarding volunteer activities>
Project Coordination Section 2, International Sports Projects Division, Bureau of Citizens, Culture and Sports, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
<Regarding how to use the application form(Logo form)>
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Logo Form help desk
Tel:0120-711-123(Weekdays 9am to 5pm(JST) *Excluding 29 Dec. to 3 Jan.)
Inquiry form:https://logoform.jp/form/r8U7/597992
<Regarding application procedures>
Sports Legacy Utilization Section,
Comprehensive Sports Promotion Division, Bureau of Citizens, Culture and Sports, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
When applying for and participating in the Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics volunteer program, in addition to the information in the Volunteer recruitment guideline, the following items must also be taken into account.
① Items of personal information to be jointly used
All information obtained based on consent when applying, including name, gender, date of birth, postal code, address, e-mail address, telephone number.
② Range of joint users
TMG, JFD and the Corporation(including competition organizations involved in Games management (Deaf Sports Organization, National Federation(NF), Prefecture Federation (PF)), and contractors)
③ Purpose of use of joint users
For the implementation and operation of this program including responding to contacts and inquiries regarding this program, acceptance notice, creating a list of participants, determining activity and placement, implementing training, managing attendance, and creating statistical data.
④ Person responsible for managing personal information Rumi Furuya,
Director General, Bureau of Citizens, Culture and Sports, Tokyo Metropolitan Government,
2-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo,
* The Japanese version of this document is the official document, and the English version is for reference only. In case of any discrepancies, the Japanese version shall prevail.
English version of the recruitment guideline(PDF:1.1MB)
その他のよくあるご質問は こちら(590KB)
募集期間 | ~ |
募集人数 | 約3,000人 |
応募要件 |
•2025年4月1日時点で満18歳以上の方 •活動期間中において、日本国籍又は日本に滞在する資格を有する方 •各種研修への参加が可能であること ※手話言語技能は必須要件ではありません。 |
応募方法 |
Web応募のみ ※応募者多数の場合は、希望する活動場所等を踏まえ抽選により決定 |
活動期間 |
•~ •活動時間は1日当たり5時間~最大8時間程度 •原則3日間以上の活動を想定 |
活動内容 |
•選手・観客・関係者の案内・誘導 •各会場での運営サポート •広報・メディアサポート •手話言語を活かした各種業務のサポート |
活動場所 | 競技会場(東京都・福島県・静岡県)、デフリンピックスクエア 等 |
提供物品等 |
•ボランティアウェア •ボランティア活動保険 •活動日における活動場所までの交通費相当として1,000円分 •活動時間に応じ、活動日における飲食費相当として1,000円分 ※交通費・飲食費はプリペイドカード等による提供を予定しています。 ※宿泊費及び活動日以外の交通費は支給しません。 |
東京都 生活文化スポーツ局国際スポーツ事業部事業調整第二課
電話 03-5000-7438
メール S1120906(at)section.metro.tokyo.jp