



English language description(PDF:1.4MB)

募集締切 2025年1月31日(金) 23時59分まで


応募にあたっては、以下の「第25回夏季デフリンピック競技大会 東京 2025 ボランティア募集要項」及び「東京2025デフリンピックボランティア 応募・参加にあたっての留意事項」をご確認ください。

第25回夏季デフリンピック競技大会 東京 2025
●第25回夏季デフリンピック競技大会 東京2025について

第25回夏季デフリンピック競技大会 東京 2025(以下「東京2025デフリンピック」という。)のボランティアは、障害のあるなしや年齢などに関わらず、多様な方々にご参画いただき、あらゆる人と協働して大会を創り上げるという貴重な体験ができる機会です。




■大会名称 :第 25 回夏季デフリンピック競技大会 東京2025(略称:東京2025 デフリンピック)
■大会期間 :2025年11月15日(土)~26日(水)(12日間)
■参加国 :70~80か国・地域
■参加者数 :各国選手団等 約6,000人







  • 2025年4月1日時点で満18歳以上の方
  • 活動期間中において、日本国籍又は日本に滞在する資格を有する方
  • 各種研修への参加が可能であること



Web 応募(インターネット)のみ。以下 URL にアクセスし、専用の応募フォームからお申し込みください。
※電話・はがき・E-mail・Fax による受付はできませんのでご注意ください。
※応募フォームへの申し込みは、お一人様1回までとさせていただきます。申し込み内容を修正されたい場合は、受付完了メールに記載の申請取消 URL にアクセスし、当初のお申し込みを取り消しの上、再度お申し込みください。





競技会場(都内区部・市部・伊豆大島、福島県及び静岡県)、デフリンピックスクエア(国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター) 等
<会場一覧>(東京2025 デフリンピック 大会情報サイト)

  • 会場における選手・観客・関係者の案内・誘導、選手等の輸送に係る誘導
  • 各会場での運営サポート(入場者管理、会場内清掃等)
  • ドーピング検査補助
  • 表彰式等の運営補助(表彰式準備、選手誘導、物品の配付等)
  • 広報・メディアサポート
  • 手話言語を活かした各種業務サポート


日程 内容
2024年11月15日~2025年1月31日 募集期間
2025年3月頃 採用結果通知
2025年6月~10月頃 共通研修、手話言語研修・ろう者の文化等理解研修
2025年6月~7月頃 活動場所・活動日程等の調整
2025年10月~11月頃 配置・役割別研修
  • ボランティアウェア
  • ボランティア活動保険
  • 活動日における活動場所までの交通費相当として1,000円分
  • 活動時間に応じ、活動日における飲食費相当として1,000円分

応募人数が募集人数を超えた場合等には、希望する活動場所等を踏まえ、抽選とさせていただきます。抽選の有無にかかわらず、採用結果通知を応募時の E-mail アドレス宛に通知いたします。ただし、メールアドレスが誤っている場合やメールアドレスの変更、ドメイン指定をされている場合等、応募者の都合でメールのお受取りができない場合は、結果通知の責任を負いかねますので、ご了承ください。ドメイン設定をされている方は、「@logoform.jp」「@city- volunteer.metro.tokyo.jp」 からのメールを受信できるよう、ドメイン設定を解除していただくか、受信リストに加えていただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。なお、個人情報保護の観点で、電話による結果通知はいたしません。













<応募フォーム(LoGo フォーム)の操作方法に関すること>東京都 Logo フォームヘルプデスク
電話:0120-711-123(平日の午前9時から午後5時 ※12月29日~1月3日を除く)


東京 2025 デフリンピックボランティア 応募・参加にあたっての留意事項

東京 2025 デフリンピックボランティアに応募・参加いただくにあたって、募集要項記載の内容のほか、次の事項に留意していただく必要がありますので、ご了承の上お申し込みください。

  1. ボランティアに応募・参加いただく方は、以下の個人情報の取り扱いについて同意していただきます。
    1. 東京都は、一般財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟(以下「全日本ろうあ連盟」という。)及び公益財団法人東京都スポーツ文化事業団(以下「事業団」という。)が大会運営組織として本事業を実施するに当たり、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団に対して、次の③の利用目的でボランティアに応募・参加いただく皆様の個人情報を提供し、東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟、事業団は、当該個人情報を次のとおり共同利用します。

      ① 共同利用する個人情報の項目

      ② 共同利用する者の範囲

      ③ 共同利用する者の利用目的

      ④ 共同利用する個人情報の管理責任者
      東京都新宿区西新宿二丁目 東京都生活文化スポーツ局長 古屋 留美

    2. 東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団は、関係法令等を遵守した上、取得した個人情報を適正に管理し、本事業における上記利用目的のためのみに使用し、それ以外の目的で使用しません。
    3. 取得した個人情報は、事前の同意なく、東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団(大会運営に携わる競技団体(デフスポーツ団体、中央競技団体(NF)、都競技団体(PF))及び委託先事業者含む)以外の第三者に開示しません。
    4. 本事業終了後、個人情報が記録されている媒体が不要となった場合には、当該個人情報の復元又は判読が不可能となる方法により当該情報の消去又は廃棄を行います。
  2. 日本国の法令を遵守していただける方のみ、応募・参加することができます。
  3. 暴力団員その他これらに準ずる者は、応募・参加することができません。
  4. 応募フォームに不正確な記載等があった場合等には、応募を無効とすることがあります。
  5. 次の行為については、固く禁止します。次の行為を行った場合は、登録を取り消すことがあります。
    1. 法令に違反し、又は公序良俗に反する行為、その他、ボランティアとしてふさわしくない行為が認められる場合(営利活動、勧誘行為など)
    2. 犯罪行為又は犯罪行為を助長し若しくは関連する行為、又はそのおそれのある行為
    3. 不適切と判断される性的、暴力的、差別的言動、その他精神的又は身体的苦痛を他者に与える行為
    4. 各競技会場、デフリンピックスクエア、駅及び空港等での円滑な運営に支障を及ぼす行為、選手や関係者との不必要な接触及び来場者、利用者等に対する迷惑行為と判断される行為
    5. 活動にあたり提供・貸与された物品について、インターネットオークションなどで転売すること
    6. 活動上知り得た関係者以外立ち入り禁止の場所にかかる情報など非公開情報を外部へ発信すること(SNS等への投稿を含みます)
    7. 活動を通じて得た個人情報(電話番号、メールアドレス等)を、当事者の承諾なく発信すること
  6. 研修や活動中の様子を撮影し、画像や映像をウェブサイトやテレビ、資料、プレスリリース等で使用させていただく場合があります。撮影された映像、写真等に肖像が映り込むことを理解し、写り込んだ映像、写真等をテレビ・新聞・雑誌・インターネット、ポスター、パンフレット等に掲載させることがあることに予め同意していただきます。
  7. 今後、活動への参加に当たり、別途、大会運営組織の定める必要な事項について、ご了承いただくようお願いする場合があります。
  8. 参加が必須となっている研修にご参加いただけなかった場合、ボランティアへの参加を辞退されたものとして扱う可能性がございます。
  9. ボランティア活動開始後、本留意事項を遵守いただけない等の事由により、参加を取り消す場合は、全ての提供物品・貸与品を返還していただきます。その際の発送にかかる送料はご本人でご負担をお願いします。
  10. オンラインにて実施する研修等に参加するにあたっては、参加者・周囲の方のプライバシー保護および機密保持のため、パブリックスペースからの参加はご遠慮ください。また、オンラインツールは、必ず最新のバージョンをご使用ください。それに伴い、万が一参加者のデバイスに不具合が起こる、あるいは個人情報が流出するなどの問題が発生しても東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団は一切責任を負いかねます。
  11. オンラインにて実施する研修等に参加するにあたって、携帯端末やパソコン、インターネット回線、カメラ・マイクなど必要となる設備を予めご準備ください。また、その際に発生する費用(通信費など)に関しては全て自己負担となります。
  12. 開催期間中のボランティア活動では、貸与するボランティアウェア等を着用し、寒暖・雨天等の天候を考慮の上、動きやすい服装で参加してください。なお、華美な服装での参加はご遠慮ください。当日、大会運営組織によりふさわしくない服装であると判断された場合は、大会運営組織の指示に従っていただきます。
  13. 本大会に関する活動中の貴重品その他私物の管理について、紛失、盗難その他が発生した場合、東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団は一切の責任を負わないものとし、ボランティアが個人で管理するものとします。
  14. 東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団は、本活動に関しボランティアに生じた損害、又はボランティアが第三者に与えた損害について、東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団の故意又は重大な過失に基づく場合を除き、ボランティア保険の適用範囲を超えて損害を賠償する責任を負わないものとします。また、ボランティア間で発生したトラブルに関して、東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団は一切責任を負いません。
  15. 東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団は、ボランティア活動中の傷病については応急措置を行いますが、東京都、全日本ろうあ連盟及び事業団の故意または過失によるものを除き、傷病や事故に対して一切の責任を負いません。
  16. 感染症対策について、国、東京都等から方針又はガイドラインが示された場合には、それらに沿って対策を行います。
  17. その他、大会運営組織が合理的な理由に基づき不適切と判断する場合は、応募や活動等をお断りさせていただく場合があります。
  18. 大会運営組織は、本留意事項をいつでも変更できるものとし、当該変更にかかる参加者への通知をもって、当該変更後の本留意事項は効力を生じるものとします。本留意事項の変更にかかる通知後、参加者が東京 2025 デフリンピックボランティアの研修、活動等への参加を継続した場合には、ボランティアは当該変更後の本留意事項に同意したものとみなします。
25th Summer Deaflympics Tokyo 2025
Volunteer recruitment guideline
●25th Summer Deaflympics Tokyo 2025

Volunteering at the 25th Summer Deaflympics Tokyo 2025 (hereinafter referred to as ”Tokyo2025 Deaflympics”)is a valuable opportunity for a diverse range of people regardless of their age or disability to participate and collaborate to create the Games.

Also, the Games aims to take this opportunity to expand understanding of the Deaflympics and Deaf Sports, and to help create an inclusive society in which people with and without disabilities can enjoy sports, recognize and respect each other’s differences.

We look forward to receiving applications from everyone who would like to work with us to create a successful Games.

<Overview of the Games>

The Deaflympics is an international "Olympics for Deaf people" hosted by the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) and held every four years. This will be the first time that the Deaflympics is held in Japan, and also marks the 100th anniversary of the Deaflympics.
■Official name :25th Summer Deaflympics Tokyo 2025(Abbreviation: TOKYO 2025 DEAFLYMPICS)
■Games period :Sat. 15 Nov. - Wed. 26 Nov. 2025 (12 days)
■Participating Countries :Approximately 70 to 80 countries and regions
■Number of Participants :Delegations from various countries: Approx. 6,000 people
■Number of sports :21 sports

●Number of Volunteers to be recruited

Approximately 3,000 volunteers
* The number of volunteers is subject to change.

●Activity period

Scheduled for the period from Mon. 10 Nov. to Fri. 28 Nov. 2025, including before and after the Games period
* As a general rule, we expect volunteers to work for three days or more.
* Volunteers can participate even if the dates are not consecutive.
* Specific activity dates will be adjusted after the recruitment decision has been made.

●Time of activity

5 hours to maximum 8 hours per day
*Depending on the activity location and content, activities may start early in the morning.
*Breaks (including meal breaks, etc.) will be scheduled appropriately during activities.
*Specific time of activity will be adjusted after recruitment decision has been made.

  • 18 years old and above as of April 1st, 2025
    * Applicants who are 17 years old at the time of application need to get consent from their guardian. You will need to check the parental consent box on the application form, so please obtain your guardian's consent before applying.
  • Japanese national or foreign national with permission to stay in Japan during the activity period.
  • Able to participate in all volunteer training sessions.
    * It is planned to provide general training, sign language training, training to understand deaf culture, etc., and venue-specific and role-specific training.(In principle, training will be given remotely in on-demand format. Scheduled to be distributed sequentially from June 2025 onwards)
    * Sign language skills are not a requirement.
●Recruitment period

From Fri. 15 Nov. 2024, 10:00 a.m. to Fri. 31 Jan. 2025, 11:59 p.m. (JST)

●How to apply

Web application (internet) only. Please access the following URL and apply using the dedicated application form.
* Please note that we cannot accept applications by phone, postcard, E-mail, or fax.
* Each person may only apply once using the application form. If you wish to modify your application details, please access the application cancellation URL provided in the E-mail of application completion, and apply again after canceling your original application.


●Application unit

We accept the applications from individuals.

●Location of activity

Competition venues (Tokyo wards/city areas/Izu Oshima Island, Fukushima prefecture, and Shizuoka prefecture), Deaflympics square(National Olympics Memorial Youth Center)etc.
* Activities are planned at venue of opening/closing ceremony, airports (Haneda, Narita), etc.
* The location of volunteer activities will be decided by the Games management organization. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request.
<List of venues>(Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Portal Site)
<Deaflympics Square>

●Main activities
  • Guiding athletes, spectators, and officials at venues, providing guidance related to transportation of athletes, etc.
  • Operational support at venues(Guide spectator, venue cleaning)
  • Doping control assistance
  • Operational assistance for medal ceremonies, etc. (Preparation for medal ceremony, escorting athletes, distribution of goods, etc.)
  • Public relations/media support
  • Support for various tasks using sign language

* Volunteer activities will be decided by the Games management organization. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request.

●Timeline(Subject to change in the future.)
Schedule Contents
15 Nov. 2024 to 31 Jan. 2025 Volunteer recruitment period
Around Mar. 2025 Notification of recruitment result
Around June to Oct. 2025 Sign language/understanding deaf culture, etc. training
Around June to July. 2025 Adjustment of place and date of volunteer activities
Around Oct. to Nov. 2025 Venue-specific, role-specific training
●Supplied goods, etc.
  • Volunteer wear
    * It will be lent out after distribution until the end of volunteer activity period. Please do not lose or damage it.
  • Volunteer activity insurance
  • 1,000 JPY for transportation expenses to the activity location on the activity day
  • 1,000 JPY for food and beverage expenses on the activity day depending on the activity time.
    * Expenses for transportation, food and beverage will be provided by prepaid cards, etc.
    * Expenses for transportation, food and beverage other than on activity dates will not be provided.
    * Accommodation expenses will not be provided even if you need to stay overnight for your activities. Please make your own accommodation arrangements.
    * Depending on the activity time, we may not be able to provide equivalent food and beverage expenses.
    * Supplied goods are subject to change.
●Implementation of drawing and notification of recruitment result

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of volunteers to be recruited, a drawing will be held based on the requested location of the activity. Regardless of whether or not a drawing is held, notification of the recruitment result will be sent to the e-mail address given at the time of application. However, please note that we cannot be held responsible for notifying you of the result if you are unable to receive the e-mail due to reasons such as an incorrect e-mail address, a change of e-mail address, or if you have specified a domain name. If you have a domain set up, please either cancel the domain setting or add it to the receiving list so that you can receive e- mails from "@logoform.jp" and "@city-volunteer.metro.tokyo.jp". To protect personal information, we will not notify you of the result by phone.

●Training program

The following training program will be held sequentially from around June 2025. All trainings are scheduled to be given remotely in on-demand format (Japanese sign language and English/Japanese subtitles available). Please be sure to take the course before the activity.

(1) General training
Acquiring the necessary basic knowledge (Overview of the Games, basics of volunteer activities, compliance etc.)

(2) Sign language training/ training to understand deaf culture etc.
Learning simple expressions in Japanese Sign Language and International Sign Language/ Understanding Deaf culture etc.

(3) Venue-specific, role-specific training
Understanding details of activity and points to keep in mind depending on specific venue and role

●Contact information

While volunteer recruitment will be conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as “TMG”) , Tokyo Sport Benefits Corporation Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office (hereinafter referred to as “DPO” ) will carry out various training, coordination of activity locations and schedules, management and operation during the Games, etc. after recruitment decision has been made.
Please note that the DPO (including outsourcing companies) will contact each volunteer individually after April 2025.

●Communication during the actual Games’ time and preparation period

In principle, volunteers will be contacted in Japanese. We can also provide some support in English if necessary.
Please note that during the Games, communication support apps and universal communication devices etc. are planned to be used for the Games operation.

●For inquiries

Please see the FAQ before making an inquiry.
* See FAQ for more details (Japanese only)

<Regarding volunteer activities>
Project Coordination Section 2, International Sports Projects Division, Bureau of Citizens, Culture and Sports, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

<Regarding how to use the application form(Logo form)>
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Logo Form help desk
Tel:0120-711-123(Weekdays 9am to 5pm(JST) *Excluding 29 Dec. to 3 Jan.)
Inquiry form:https://logoform.jp/form/r8U7/597992

<Regarding application procedures>
Sports Legacy Utilization Section,
Comprehensive Sports Promotion Division, Bureau of Citizens, Culture and Sports, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Points to note when applying for and participating in the
Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Volunteer program

When applying for and participating in the Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics volunteer program, in addition to the information in the Volunteer recruitment guideline, the following items must also be taken into account.

  1. If you apply or participate as a volunteer, we will need your consent on handling of your personal information.
    1. When the Japanese Federation of the Deaf (hereinafter referred to as “JFD”) and Tokyo Sport Benefits Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Corporation” ) are implementing this program as the Games management organization, personal information of everyone who applies and participates as a volunteer for the purpose of use in ③ below will be provided by TMG to JFD and the Corporation and TMG, JFD and the Corporation will jointly use the personal information of volunteers as follows.

      ① Items of personal information to be jointly used
      All information obtained based on consent when applying, including name, gender, date of birth, postal code, address, e-mail address, telephone number.

      ② Range of joint users
      TMG, JFD and the Corporation(including competition organizations involved in Games management (Deaf Sports Organization, National Federation(NF), Prefecture Federation (PF)), and contractors)

      ③ Purpose of use of joint users
      For the implementation and operation of this program including responding to contacts and inquiries regarding this program, acceptance notice, creating a list of participants, determining activity and placement, implementing training, managing attendance, and creating statistical data.

      ④ Person responsible for managing personal information Rumi Furuya,
      Director General, Bureau of Citizens, Culture and Sports, Tokyo Metropolitan Government,
      2-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo,

    2. TMG, JFD, and the Corporation will comply with relevant laws and regulations, properly manage the personal information obtained, and use it only for the above-mentioned purposes in this program, and will not use it for any other purpose.
    3. The personal information obtained will not be disclosed to third parties other than the TMG, JDF, and the Corporation (including competition organizations involved in Games management (Deaf Sports Organization, National Federation(NF), Prefecture Federation (PF)), and contractors) without prior consent.
    4. After the end of this program, if the medium on which personal information is recorded is no longer needed, the information will be erased or disposed of in a manner that makes it impossible to restore or read the personal information.
  2. Only those who comply with Japanese laws and regulations may apply and participate.
  3. Members of organized criminal group and other equivalent individuals are not allowed to apply or participate.
  4. If there is inaccurate information in the application form, the application may be invalidated.
  5. The following behaviors are strictly prohibited. Your registration may be canceled if you engage in any of the following behaviors:
    1. Any act that violates the law, violates public order and morals, or any inappropriate behavior as a volunteer(Commercial activities, solicitation activities etc.)
    2. Criminal acts, acts that encourage or relate to criminal acts, or acts that may lead to criminal acts.
    3. Sexual, violent, discriminatory speech or behavior that is deemed inappropriate, or other acts that cause mental or physical pain to others.
    4. Acts that disrupt the smooth operation of Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics competition venues, Deaflympics Square, stations, airports, etc., unnecessary contact with athletes and related parties, and acts that are deemed to be a nuisance to visitors, users, etc.
    5. Reselling goods provided or lent for activities through internet auctions, etc.
    6. Disseminating non-public information obtained through activities to the outside, such as information about places that are prohibited to anyone other than those concerned.
      (including posting to SNS)
    7. Sending personal information (phone number, e-mail address, etc.) obtained through activities without the consent of the person concerned.
  6. We may film training and activities and use the images and videos on websites, television, materials, press releases, etc. Please understand that your portrait may appear in the videos,
    photographs, etc., and agree in advance that such images may be published on television, newspapers, magazines, the internet, posters, brochures, etc.
  7. In the future, when participating in activities, you may be asked to agree the necessary matters separately determined by the Games management organization.
  8. If you fail to participate in mandatory training, you may be treated as having declined to participate as a volunteer.
  9. If your participation is cancelled after the volunteer activity has started due to failure to comply with these points, you will be required to return all provided and lent items. In that case, you will be responsible for shipping costs.
  10. When participating in online training, etc., please refrain from participating from public spaces in order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of participants and those around them. Also, please be sure to use the latest version of online tools. TMG, JDF, and the Corporation will not be held responsible for any problems that may occur, such as malfunctioning of participants’ devices or leakage of personal information.
  11. To participate in online training, etc., please prepare in advance the necessary equipment such as a mobile device, computer, internet connection, camera and microphone. In addition, you will be responsible for all costs incurred (communication costs, etc.).
  12. When participating in volunteer activities during the Games period, please wear the lent volunteer wear, etc., and wear clothes that are easy to move in, taking into consideration the weather such as cold, hot, rainy, etc. Please refrain from wearing in fancy clothes. If on the day of the Games, the Games management organization determines that the attire is inappropriate, please follow the instructions of the Games management organization.
  13. TMG, JDF, and the Corporation shall not be held responsible for any loss, theft, or other incidents regarding the management of valuables or other personal belongings during activities related to this Games, and these items will be managed by volunteers individually.
  14. If any damage is caused to the volunteer or damage is caused by the volunteer to a third party in connection with this activity, except in cases where the TMG, JDF, and the Corporation were intentionally or grossly negligent, TMG, JDF, and the Corporation will not be responsible for compensating for damages beyond the scope of volunteer insurance. Furthermore, TMG, JDF, and the Corporation will not be held responsible for any trouble that may occur between volunteers.
  15. TMG, JDF, and the Corporation will provide first aid measures in case of injury or illness during volunteer activities, but TMG, JDF, and the Corporation will not be responsible for any injuries, illnesses or accidents, except those caused intentionally or by negligence.
  16. You should follow the infectious disease countermeasures based on the policies or guidelines provided by the national government, TMG, etc.
  17. In addition, if the Games management organization deems it inappropriate based on reasonable grounds, your application or activity may be declined.
  18. The Games management organization may change these points at any time, and the revised points will become effective upon notification of such changes to participants. If a volunteer continues to participate in Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics volunteer training, activities, etc. after notification of changes to these points, the volunteer will be deemed to have agreed to the revised points.

* The Japanese version of this document is the official document, and the English version is for reference only. In case of any discrepancies, the Japanese version shall prevail.

English version of the recruitment guideline(PDF:1.1MB)








その他のよくあるご質問は こちら(590KB)



募集人数 約3,000人
応募要件 •2025年4月1日時点で満18歳以上の方
応募方法 Web応募のみ
活動内容 •選手・観客・関係者の案内・誘導
活動場所 競技会場(東京都・福島県・静岡県)、デフリンピックスクエア 等
提供物品等 •ボランティアウェア



東京都 生活文化スポーツ局国際スポーツ事業部事業調整第二課

電話 03-5000-7438

メール S1120906(at)section.metro.tokyo.jp